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   Meet Angela...

Spiritual Based BodyMind Coach & Registered Massage Therapist


I'm not your typical massage therapist! As much as I love to do hands-on treatments on my table, I am passionate about creating awareness and facilitating a deeper understanding of our body's stress response, pain and getting to the root cause versus just treating symptoms. 

By adding this fundamental component, my work can extend far beyond the treatment table. Aka how stress shows up in your life, and how we can re-format that to better equip you to make healthier choices. From THIS space, you can create so much more juicy goodness in your life!

It has been through my own personal journey, sifting and sorting through how to find balance and harmony in my own life, always searching for something, I never really knew what that something was.....until I found myself literally on my knees one day, my arms up in the air and sobbing "ok God, I give up! What do you want me to do?!" 

And so my healing story began...

If you are in the Cochrane, Alberta area I would be delighted to schedule an appointment for you to receive a customized therapeutic massage and/or Craniosacral therapy treatment at our beautiful private clinic, go ahead and shoot me an email or give me a call.

I look forward to meeting you, and I would be honored to support you

If you are interested in connecting for virtual sessions please feel free to set up a complimentary discover call with me to find out if we might be a fit to work together and how I can best support you!

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